How to Use HierarchyID Data Type in SQL Server

How to Use HierarchyID Data Type in SQL Server

What is the HierarchyID Data Type? Hierarchical data is a common type of data that represents the relationships between entities in a tree-like structure. For example, you may have hierarchical data for your organizational structure, where each employee has a manager...
Indexing for Group By and Order By in SQL Server

Indexing for Group By and Order By in SQL Server

What is Indexing? Indexing is a technique to optimize the selection and sorting of data in a database. An index is a data structure that stores a subset of columns from a table or a view, along with pointers to the corresponding rows. The database can use an index to...
What is NUMA: Why Does SQL Server Care?

What is NUMA: Why Does SQL Server Care?

Multi-GHz processors need maximum memory bandwidth to reach their full potential.SQL Server needs maximum memory bandwidth to reach its full potential. They need to access memory as fast and with as much throughput as possible. A bottleneck develops when processors...