Informix Replication
Let XTIVIA take your database to the next level.

A modern Informix replication system, configured and implemented by XTIVIA’s database engineers will give your database extra layers of loss protection and support a faster, secure, and more stable database environment.
Protect your Oracle database and your company’s integrity with a suite of replication tools & technologies from Virtual-DBA.
More than Duplication
Is your organization distributing copies of data by “dumping” and then “reloading” it on a different site? A reliable IBM Informix replication system should do more than simply duplicate data; it should use smart and efficient replication that truly streamlines the whole system.
Our replication methods are the best in the industry, and are always built according to the needs and structure of our customer. Since we work with clients in every industry and of every size, we’re dedicated to crafting a custom solution that works for your staff, your existing systems, and your budget.

Why use IBM Informix Replication?
A distributed data system is one in which the storage and processing of data are spread across multiple physical systems.
If your company handles a lot of data, has many hosted database programs, runs simultaneous functions, or a combination thereof, it is likely that you would benefit from using a form of Informix replication.
It isn’t only for creating reliable backups to be used in case of catastrophe. An IBM Informix replication solution should create more fault tolerance and keep the system running even if multiple errors or failures occur in its core processing.
Whatever your size or specific data needs, Virtual-DBA, powered by XTIVIA, can build what works for you and your people—and educate them on how to keep the system running at maximum capacity.
Assess your IBM Informix replication
- HDR – High Availability Data Replication maintains two identical IDS server instances and employs a log record shipping technique to transfer the logical log records from the primary server to the secondary server. The secondary server is in perpetual roll-forward mode so that data on the secondary server remains current with the primary server. The secondary server supports read access to data, allowing database administrators to spread workload among servers.
- ER – Enterprise Replication provides replication across multiple independent IDS servers, and has the ability to support both “active-passive” and “active-active” replication. Any of the servers participating in the ER cluster can accept both read and write transactions. ER can also be used to replicate individual tables or subsets of tables rather than the entire database. This is different from HDR, since HDR requires an exact replica – including table and database schemas. ER is designed to support multiple servers with complex topologies.
- MACH 11 – Multi-node Active Cluster for High Availability consists of a single primary server and one or more secondary servers. The secondary servers can include any combination of SDS, RSS, and HDR secondary server, providing increased failover, capacity, flexibility, and scalability.
- SDS – Shared Disk Secondary servers provide increased availability and scalability without the need to maintain multiple copies of the database. This is done by allowing multiple instances of the IDS server to access the same physical disk as the primary server.
- RSS – Remote Standalone Secondary servers extend HDR by allowing multiple copies of the database in both local and geographically remote locations
- CLS – Continuous Log Restore is useful when the backup database server needs to be fairly current, but the two systems need to be completely independent of each other for reasons like security or network availability. The log files are manually transferred to a backup database server where they are restored.